Thursday, October 21, 2010

Day 3 - Too much for the eyes to take .....

What a day....

Our eyes got a lot to take today ! Yosemite is a wonderfull place .... A place where you can really come to peace, where it's quiet and beautifull, where Mother Nature has done a wonderfull job...

We started our day by taking the road through Fish Camp and arrived at our first stop : Mariposa grove & it's giant sequoia trees. We feld really small....

You see what I mean ??

Anyway, after that we continued our road to Yosemite Village and were blown away by all the things we saw !! First of all, sun !!! Blue sky and sun for the first time since we arrived !!
But off course not only by that....

This parc is unbelievable !! Every corner, every turn you take, something new and beautiful and completely different comes your way and takes your breath away !!
Just have a look :

Now we arrived in this little village Mammoth Lakes wich is a ski village in the winter but is very quiet for the moment.
We arrived at our hotel and got a huge suite !!! Two rooms, two bathrooms, a huge living room with open name it, it is there !

See you tommorow for more pics and stories !!


  1. Waaaaauw! Wat een suite. Vinden jullie elkaar daar wel in terug?
    Zagen jullie reeds de grote Yeti rondhossen tussen de bomen daar in dat gigantische park?

  2. waouw, mooie natuur, mooie foto's, kusjes tot morgen

  3. ca doit être génial!!! j'attends ton retour avec impatience pour que tu me raconte, si l'Amérique vaut le coup .... J'attends de voir la suite des photos.. Big bisous

  4. Hey Sandra!
    Ziet er daar echt fantastisch uit!!!
    Super mooie foto's heb je!!


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